Brian Bulfer 2009
The Temporal, the Quantitative, Ideals and Quarks
oil on canvas 6'x8' |
The pie discs are based on the proportion of time men and women spend their day involved in different activities. The bottom is measuring how men spend their time, the middle is measuring how women spend their time and the top is measuring the average between the two. Starting at twelve o’clock and moving clock wise, the categories for time spent are as follows: sleeping; grooming; eating and drinking; household activities; purchasing goods and services; working and work-related activities; relaxing and leisure; caring for and helping household members; caring for and helping non-household members; educational activities; watching TV; organizational, civic and religious activities; socializing and communicating; telephone calls (to or from); and household and personal e-mail and messages. Rounded to the thousandth, these numbers are written at the top of each disc.
The rings of dots are measuring in a coded language the earnings of men and women in relationship to their level of education taken in 2005 (the male statistics are over lapping the male disc, the female statistics are over lapping the female disc, and the average between the two is over lapping the top disc). The colors chosen are based on the color Luscher test that I took before the dotting ritual. Starting from the edge and moving towards the center: doctorate is violet; professional is blue; master’s is green; bachelor’s is gray; associate’s is brown; some college, no degree is black; high school graduate only is yellow and no high school diploma is red. Rounded to the thousandth, these numbers are written at the bottom of each disc |
Census Bureau (U.S.) Statistical Abstract of the United States 2008: The National Data Book 127th ed. Bureau of Census, 2007. p. 146 |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_2(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009-10
Cosmic Sushi Roll
oil on canvas, 6'x8' |
Each colored ring of the five discs represents a country where each disc measures the quantity of meat production (first at the bottom), agricultural land (second), taxation (third), barley production (forth) and coffee production (fifth at the top). The countries from center to the edge are as follows: United States, Japen, Germany, China, UK, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, Brazil, Russian Fed., India, South Korea, Mexico and Australia.
Each crescent moon represents a value. Full moons equal a value with five at the hundred-digit space, crescents coming from the left represent a declining value and crescents coming from the right side represent an increasing value from five hundred. Each shift in crescents represents a shift from the hundred-digit space with each row representing a year and each column representing a month. |
"The World Factbook" Central Intelligence Agency. Dec. 2009. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/>
"Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations (ppmv) Derived from in Situ Air Samples Collected at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii." C.D, Keeling and T.P. Whorf, and the Carbon Dioxide Research Group Scripps Instituion of Oceanography (SIO) University of Cal, June 2004. Mar. 2009. <http://cdiac.ornl.gov/ftp/ndp001/maunaloa.co2> |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_2b(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009
Harvest (1)
oil on canvas 19.5"x23" |
The three totems are measuring corn (bottom), soybean (middle) and wheat production (top) in China for 1995, 2000 and 2005. The diamonds are measuring the US price per bushel of wheat, soybean and corn production for the same years. |
“China Agricultural and Economic Data: National Data.” USDA. Nov. 2008 <http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/China/NationalForm.aspx> |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_12b(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009-10
Running from Left to Right
oil on canvas, 34"x34" |
Running from left to right, the rectangles are paired in sets where the first tracks US unemployment and the second tracks inflation rates at the tenth digit place. Each strip is a year starting at 1999 and ending at 2007. The color-coded system is based on the spectrum where higher color frequencies are represented by higher values at the tenth digit place. The over lapping shapes are tracking the change at the unit digit place of unemployment rates where the number of sides and color of the shape determine the value. The unit digit place stays constant until a new shape on the same line is encountered, thus it continues until it is encountered by the next shape. |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_3b(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009
Giving and Receiving
oil on canvas, 19.5"x23" |
Each color is ordered off the spectrum where lower color frequencies represent lower values and higher color frequencies represent higher values. Each stripe represents a month and each band of stripes represents a year tracking US imports and exports for the years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994. Vertical stripes are tracking imports and horizontal stripes are tracking exports at the ten thousandth place. |
“Foreign Trade Statisitics: Trade in Goods (Imports, Exports, and Trade Balance) with World, Seasonally Adjusted.” U.S. Census Bureau. Dec. 2008 <http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c0004.html#1990> |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_4(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009
Balanced Budget
oil on canvas, 35"x42" |
Each disc is color coded from the bottom up measuring the population, purchasing power, stock of money and labor force of different countries. Countries with the largest population are as follows: China, India, the European Union, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Russia, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Germany, Egypt, Turkey, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Thailand, France, UK, Italy and South Africa.
Countries with the largest purchasing power are as follows: the European Union, United States, China, Japan, India, Germany, UK, Russia, France, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, Turkey, Indonesia, Australia, Iran, Taiwan, Netherlands, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Argentina and Thailand.
Countries with the largest stock of money are as follows: Japan, China, United States, Burma, Canada, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Czech Republic, Morocco, Turkey, Venezuela, Syria, South Africa, Algeria, Pakistan and Hong Kong.
Countries with the largest labor force are as follows: China, India, the European Union, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, Bangladesh, Japan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Germany, Thailand, Philippines, UK, Burma, Iran, France, Ethiopia, Italy, South Korea, Turkey and Spain. |
"The World Factbook" Central Intelligence Agency. Dec. 2009. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/> |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_9(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2008
DOW (1927 to 2007)
oil on canvas, 6'x8' |
A mirrored image of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1927 to 2007. The stock value is grouped into a number set that repeats at an exponential rate after every six sets. The colors assigned to each set is based on the Tantric Buddhist chakra system which repeats after each six sets. |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_9c(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009-10
World Population 3000BCE to 2008CE
oil on canvas, 96"x12" |
Each color is ordered off the spectrum where lower color frequencies represent lower values and higher color frequencies represent higher values. Each bar that is separated by a white stripe represents a year starting at 3000 BCE to 2008 CE. The date is written down at the top of each bar. The value for each stripe is written down at the height of world population for each year. The different structural shapes are tracking the population of different regions, such as Africa, North America, Europe and Asia. These shapes where determined by locating the capitals of each country with the larges population and then connecting the dots. Each shape is labeled and illustrates the difference in population between different regions over time. |
“World Population.” Wikipedia. 2009. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population> |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_13(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009
Wheat, Rice and Corn Production in China 1953-2006
oil on canvas, 54"x60" |
Each colored square of the spiral grid is ordered on the spectrum where lower color frequencies represent lower values and higher color frequencies represent higher values. Each year is represented by a set of nine squares grouped together. Each set has three lines, which track wheat, rice and corn production in China at the hundred, ten and one thousandth digit place. Starting at the center with the year 1953 and ending at the bottom right hand corner at 2006, each moon cycle marks a decade. The symbol system aids in de-coding the color system and is based on the Brydlovan theory of the origin of numbers. The rings of baby blue and pink stars are marking the important election years for the US and China. |
“China Agricultural and Economic Data: National Data.” USDA. Nov. 2008 <http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/China/NationalForm.aspx> |
![](http://www.brianbulfer.com/images/Db_15(2in).jpg) |
Brian Bulfer 2009
Catholic, Baptist and Lutheran Churches in Early America; German Philosophers; and the US Market
oil on canvas, 66"x66" |
The number of Catholic, Baptist and Lutheran churches in early America before the revolution are represented by the size of either the rings of snowflakes, stars or molecular structures. The number and abbreviation (CC, BC, of LC) for each decade ads in de-coding the information. The different colored diamonds represent the life span of five German philosophers, which are labeled.
Each square of the spiral grid represents a year. The year is lightly written down marking each decade. The dark blue squares of the spiral grid represent times when there has been a market recession and darker blue squares represent depressions. The pink squares represent times the US has been at war and violet squares represent times when there is an overlap of both recession and war.
The size of the large blue square that houses the spiral grid and the small green rectangle at the bottom right corner represents the difference in the distribution of wealth between North America and the Middle East. |
Gaustand, Edwin Scott and Philip L. Barlow. New Historical Atlas of Religion in America 3rd ed. Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
Davies, James B., The World Distribution of Household Wealth. Mapping Global Inequalities, Center for Global, International and Regional Studies. UC Santa Cruz, 2007. |