Brian Bulfer
Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations:

PROJECTS: æ | TC Tuition | Prayer Flags | Sared Exchange | 3D Memory | Feng Shui Clock | OWS | Decline | Diamond Dust | Thai Trade | Diet Lingam | Data Paintings | Econ Drawings | Peaking | ... CATEGORIES: Drawings | Paintings | Sculptures | Prints | Photo-Mixed Media | Videos | Animations | Murals | Installations | 3D Prints | Collaborations | Artist-Based Research |







Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations - 2011
Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers
Behr, Glidden and Martha Stewart Living Glitter Paint
17.5’ x 10.5’

NOTE: Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations represents the fluctuation of the Gross Domestic Product - the monetary value of all goods and services produced by a country or group of countries - of three of the largest economic forces (the European Union, the US and China).  The height of each diamond represents the stock value for three of the largest media corporations (Bertelsmann, General Electric and Beijing Media Corporation) over the course of 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Source: MSN. (2013, September 15). MSN Money. Retrieved from

"The World Factbook" (2009, December). Central Intelligence Agency. Dec. Retrieved from>

Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations - 2011
Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations - 2011
Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations - 2011
Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations - 2011
Diamond Dust: Three Economic Powers and Media Corporations - 2011